大路的妹妹不常下廚, 但是她做的一道菜我每次都能吃上三大碗,
那就是一道捷克家常菜 - 酸奶嫩雞紅醬
捷克文叫做 "Červená Máčka" (發音唸成 Chervena Machka),
很簡單的譯成英文就是 Red Sauce.
做法也還蠻簡單的, 讓我今天為大家搭起通往美味捷克菜的橋樑. (我把路妹妹寫的原始食譜放在最下面,我做了一點點變動,大家自己參考)
去骨去皮雞腿肉(4~5塊)切大塊 (用雞腿比較嫩,但是我們做的這天超市賣完了,用的是雞胸,就很柴,但還是好吃)
Wondra (粗麵粉)就是用來調Gravy的粉,比麵粉粉體稍粗一些,但是比較好溶合
酸奶(Sour Cream)一大盒(1.5lbs), 最好用Light低脂的, 雖然大路說正常用的是原味全脂的,
1.在高壓鍋裡炒切細丁的洋蔥, 炒到半透明狀,加入切大塊的去骨去皮雞腿肉,同時加入大量紅椒粉, (要多到蓋住整片肉堆....),鹽, 炒到肉大部分變色
2. 加入水跟雞湯塊(或是直接加雞湯)到沒過雞肉約1.5英吋
4.把肉先從鍋裡撈出放在一旁保溫備用 (方便之後攪拌不會妨礙)
5.左手慢慢倒入Wondra, 右手用whisk拼老命的攪拌, 一直到湯汁呈Gravy的稠度, 加入sour cream
6. 紅醬攪拌均勻後加入之前撈出的雞肉塊,約煮個5分鐘,就可以關火, 稍稍冷卻10分鐘就可以吃啦
或是淋在飯上, 我本人是非常喜歡配飯的版本, 好吃到一個不行!
Chervena machka
1 large yellow onion
6 - 8 pieces of boneless skinless chicken thighs or breasts (like three breasts or five thighs - boneless skinless)
1 large container of sour cream - i use either low or fat free
1 large Knorr chicken bouillon cube - use two cubes if you're making more
1 - 2 table spoons of cooking oil
sauce flour ( preferably Wondra flour that comes in the tall blue can )
paprika - Hungarian Sweet - Szeged Brand
Dice the onion and sauté on oil inside large pot or pressure cooker until onions start to appear clear. Add the chicken and lots of paprika (about 3 to 4 table spoons) and salt (about one teaspoon). Continue to cook oer a small flame until about half or so of the chicken seems white. Add water to this mixture until the water level is about 1 to 1 ½ inches above the chicken. Add the bouillon cube and cover until chicken is fully cooked, in a preasure cooker this takes about 7 minutes. Once chicken is finished take lid off (let pressure escape from pressure cooker first) and turn on flame to low as to bring to a simmer. (HINT: take the chicken out of the sauce before putting flour in, this keeps the chicken from getting in the way of the whisk, add the chicken back in after you have thickened the sauce and added the sour cream.) Begin to 'slowly' add sauce flour to your machka. You may raise the heat so the the machka boils, but you should constantly be stirring as you are adding the flour.. this is sometimes easier with two people. Whisk in the whole container of sour cream. The machka should have the consistency of a thick gravy when it's done. Let cool for about five to ten minutes before serving. Serve over bed of white rice or preferably over shiski.
最後,感謝大路幫我們示範~~~ ^^