
6/26/2015 update:


最高法院是以5比4的票數,作出同性婚姻合法化的判決。負責此案的法官甘迺迪(Anthony Kennedy)在28頁的判決書中表示,同性伴侶要求在法律之前,與異性伴侶同等的權利與尊嚴,最高法院決定賦予他們這些權利。 在過去廿年來,支持和反對同性婚姻的雙方通過不同的法律程序和條文遊戲在法庭上爭取自己的權利,勝負難分難解。1998年至2012年期間,全美有30個州通過法案禁止同性婚姻。2003年至2013年期間,多個州亦開始通過下級法庭推翻同性婚姻禁令,將同性婚姻合法化。 2013年6月23日,最高法院對「聯邦婚姻保護法」作出歷史性裁決,以5比4的投票結果判定「聯邦婚姻保護法」定義婚姻為「一男一女」的條文違憲。該判決結果改變了美國社會以異性婚姻為骨幹的結構文化,迫使聯邦政府在法律認定、稅務優惠、福利措施上賦予同性戀伴侶和異性戀夫妻相同的權利。同年6月26日,最高法院在「聯邦婚姻保護法」違憲的基礎上,推翻了加州反同性婚姻的「8號提案」,使加州成為全美第13個同性婚姻合法的州,同時開始頒發同性結婚證書。


In a landmark opinion, a divided Supreme Court on Friday ruled that same-sex couples can marry nationwide, establishing a new civil right and handing gay rights advocates a historic victory.

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed. It is so ordered.”


5/10/2012 update: 

Obama became the first sitting president to support gay marriage when clips of the interview with ABC News aired on Wednesday afternoon, just days after Vice President Joe Biden had said he is“absolutely comfortable” with same-sex couples marrying.

At a certain point," Obama told ABC, "I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married."



....最近為了養生還有美容, 盡量早睡早起 (其實我是一直都早起的, 只是晚睡而已~)  主要是說我不贊成八號法案...



我不支持八號提案去禁止同性戀結婚的原因是: 儘管再怎麼不同意對方,沒有任何人有權否決別人的人生,因為每一個人都有權利過自己想過的生活,只要不傷害其他人就好。

支持廢止同性戀結婚的人說, 美國憲法賦予人生而平等指的是先天的條件不能構成不平等的理由,(例如膚色, 性別, ...) 他們認為同性戀不是先天的, 所以沒有權利談平等, 不能同等享有結婚的權利!  先不說這話有多荒謬, 單就"同性戀是不是天生的, 是否後天可以選擇的" 的來說吧..  很簡單, 如果現在叫異性戀的你我去和同性的人做一些親暱的舉動, 看你會不會覺得不舒服, 看你是不是可以經由學習而轉換成同性戀??  

再說, 不贊成同性戀就算了, 幹嘛還要禁止同性戀合法婚姻呢? 這難道會影響到異性戀的大多數族群什麼利益嗎??  難道我們要擔心異性戀小孩將來婚姻對像會因此而減少??? 

某些宗教團體打著為了下一代的正義價值理念而要求所有教徒支持八號提案, 在我看來如果真的因為教會叫你做什麼就做什麼, 那真是毫無自己思想, 判斷, 明辨是非的能力了.

說了如此多, 我其實只是為了我看到聽到的一些觀點提出我的看法罷了, 畢竟我橫豎也沒有投票權~ 只是希望有投票權的人能仔細想想你為什麼想投Yes, 為什麼想投No.  再好好的做下決定.



 12-4-08 update:

 Voters' economic status and religious convictions played a greater role than race and age in determining whether they supported the Nov. 4 ballot measure outlawing same-sex marriage in California, a new poll shows.

The ban drew its strongest support from both evangelical Christians and voters who didn't attend college, according to results released Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California.

Age and race, meanwhile, were not as strong factors as assumed.

According to the poll, 56 percent of voters over age 55 and 57 percent of nonwhite voters cast a yes ballot for the gay marriage ban.

People who identified themselves as practicing Christians were highly likely to support the constitutional amendment, with 85 percent of evangelical Christians, 66 percent of Protestants and 60 percent of Roman Catholics favoring it.

The poll also showed that the measure got strong backing from voters who did not attend college (69 percent), voters who earned less than $40,000 a year (63 percent) and Latinos (61 percent).

The proposition, which passed with 52 percent of the vote, overturned the state Supreme Court's May decision legalizing gay marriage in California. The measure inserts language into the constitution limiting marriage to one man and one woman.

The poll found that, overall, 48 percent of voters oppose the idea of making gay marriage legal. Forty-seven percent support it, while 5 percent are undecided.

The results mirror previous PPIC polls from the last three years, suggesting that the $73 million spent for and against the measure did not do much to change public attitudes on allowing gay couples to wed, said survey director Mark Baldassare.

"At no point in time, before or after the election, did we have a majority of Californians saying they supported gay marriage," Baldassare said.  "My takeaway from this is that until there is a major shift in public opinion one way or another, it's going to be another issue where voters are deeply divided."

Geoffrey Kors, executive director of the gay rights group Equality California, said the PPIC poll demonstrates that same-sex marriage advocates "need to make inroads in every category.  If 2 percent of voters had voted differently, we would have had a
different result," he said.

The poll was based on a phone survey of 2,003 California voters in the Nov. 4 election who were interviewed from Nov. 5-6.  The sampling error was plus or minus 2 percentage points.



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