(上面照來自官網, 我們的超級全海景房間是左上角的尖尖紅屋頂閣樓)
看更多照片請到相簿~ http://jaqueline711.pixnet.net/album/set/14293715
Hotel Del Coronado 座落於克羅那多島上(Coronado Island),遠遠即會紅棕色的圓頂所吸引,整間飯店皆以木製,是美西最早全面裝設電燈的現代化旅館,想像1,880年代,這裡只是野業滋長砂丘,覆蓋的荒野,1,888年,以成為密西西比河以西,燈火通燦的建築物登上報紙頭條,早期因此而著名。
當初愛迪生就是在這裡展示他的新發明, 不難想像早期那些上流社會的人們,要是能住進由電力點燈的旅館,是感到多麼地享受呀,為各政界與社交名流的最愛。羅斯福總統曾在任內數度光臨酒店,尼克森及雷跟總統更曾在此舉行國宴及高峰會議接待墨西哥總統,瑪麗蓮夢露在一九五八年傑克李蒙主演年喜劇”Some Like it Hot”也在此拍攝,旅館牆壁上掛著許多影星的劇照。此外還曾經上演過歷史上著名的"不愛江山愛美人"事件,英國國王溫莎公爵當年就是在此認識溫莎公爵夫人且墜入情網聲明放棄王位繼承權!
我的超級浪漫豪華海景Valentine's weekend就是在這個Hotel Del Coronado渡過的! ^_^
(我的相機時間還是上個月回台灣調的時間, 所以所有相片中的時間都晚一天.....sigh....)
14號當天早上很悠閒的沿著15號公路往南開,開到Norco附近看到一家家庭式早餐Cowgirl's Cafe決定停下來試試~ 當天人超多, 等待時間要約半小時,所以我們到對面路邊洗了個車...
接著往南繼續, 因為Hotel check in是4pm, 所以我們先到La Jolla Beach海邊走走, 逛了一家充滿糖果的店,剛好下午四點整到達Hotel Del Coronado.
終於到了Hotel Del Coronado.
我之前就來參觀過這裡, 但是都是來逛逛, 因為這飯店太有名,所以連我去墨西哥龍蝦團一日遊最後還帶我們來這裡參觀. 沒想到有一天會來這住,好像美夢成真啊~
他訂的是全海景房(Full Oceanview room),沒想到會這麼美! 所以我們決定晚餐就不去原訂的1500 ocean餐廳, 改訂In-room Candlelight Valentine's dinner.
(we definitely enjoyed the fabulous ocean sunset view in the room!)
更多照片請前往相簿 ~
An American Treasure in the Heart of Southern California
The History of The Hotel del Coronado
As a National Historic Landmark, the Hotel del Coronado has a rich and colorful heritage that sets it apart from neighboring Coronado hotels. From Marilyn Monroe to Charles Lindbergh, from state dinners to the ghost of Kate Morgan, The Del is an American treasure with more than 120 years of fascinating stories to tell. Today, we invite you to create new great memories at this cherished hotel in Coronado.
The Del's visionary founders - Elisha Babcock and H.L. Story - dreamed of building a seaside resort that would be "the talk of the Western world." Since then, the resort has become a living legend, visited by celebrities, dignitaries and U.S. presidents. In fact, publisher Rand McNally recognized the Hotel del Coronado for enjoying "more fame and historical significance than perhaps any hotel in North America."
Eleven U.S. Presidents have visited The Del, starting with Benjamin Harrison in 1891. One of the resort's most famous visitors was England's Prince of Wales in 1920. He would later become King Edward VIII, only to give up his throne in 1936 to marry Coronado divorcee Wallis Spencer Simpson. Many have speculated that they may have first met at The Del.
The Del has played host to some of America's greats, including Thomas Edison, L. Frank Baum and Babe Ruth. Famed aviator Charles Lindbergh was honored at The Del in 1927 after his successful trans-Atlantic flight. At this lavish banquet, a replica of Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis" circled the enormous Crown Room ceiling.
Hollywood has been making movies at The Del since 1901. In 1958, The Del was the backdrop for the comedy classic "Some Like It Hot," starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. The resort has also seen a steady stream of celebrity visitors - from Charlie Chaplin and Humphrey Bogart to Brad Pitt and Madonna.
(info souce: http://www.hoteldel.com/History.aspx)