
雖然沒有投票權, 但是我也坐在電視機前, 見證了美國歷史上的一頁, 見證了美國人選出了第一位黑人總統, Barack Obama.


一直以來總是看到文章說台灣的選舉政治太激情, 全民太投入, 經過這次美國的超級大選, 我認為美國人也不惶多讓!

剛剛去上有氧課, 班上有四五個約八到十歲的小女生, 嘰嘰喳喳的在討論Obama還是McCain.....激動到老師說了"just so you know, you guys can't vote!!"

上完課回來急忙打開了CNN, 正好趕上Obama準備在Chicago發表勝選的演說.

先是看到Obama一家人緩緩走上台, 台下響起無數掌聲, 我和室友說, 這真是一個歷史的鏡頭,
一百年前的美國白人或是黑人, 能想到有這麼一天, 非裔美國人, 太太也是黑人, 兩個小孩都是黑人, 即將成為美國的總統, 第一夫人, 以及第一家庭嗎?

不論Obama是不是只是政客, 是不是站在權力的核心之後會令所有美國人失望(如我們的前陳總統), 他今晚的演說令無數台下的人感動, 我看到了Oprah站在台下, 淚眼盈眶, 我也是. 



"A government of the people, by the people, for the people - by President Lincoln"


"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer"

"It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America."


所有的美國人, 包含我們這群住在美國的外國人, 都非常期許這位年輕的總統能帶領美國走出兩個戰爭, 金融危機, 信心危機以及經濟大蕭條. 

貼一段網友"The_Lorax " 寫的一段話:

"To the older generation, thanks for fighting to get us to a position where we could do this. Thanks for all your sacrifice and advice and wisdom. To my gen, thanks for the hard work and endurance and belief that we could. To the next gen, thanks for giving us a reason to keep fighting. I love you all. Thanks for giving me hope. "















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