看完了政治界後, 眾家明星們的名言也都很精彩,  首推我們的日本在非洲的小甜甜布蘭妮:

1. "我一直也沒想去過 日本, 因為吃魚在 他 們 非 洲 那麼流行可我又不愛吃魚:P" -----布蘭妮

«I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don’t like eating fish. And I know that's very popular out there in Africa.» — Britney Spears

2. "我可以去好多 海 外 的地方玩, 比方說 加拿大 啊~" ---------布蘭妮

«I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.» - Britney Spears

3. "抽菸是會害死人的, 因為如果 你 死 了 ,你就失去了生命中非常重要的 一 部 分! " -----布魯克雪德斯

«Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.» - Brooke Shields

4. "嘿,所以說 今年 坎城影展在 哪裡 舉行來着? -----克莉絲汀娜

«So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?» — Christina

5. "喂! 我現在可聰明了! 每個人都叫我 "把上衣脫掉啦!" , 對不起, 我才不要呢! 他們都想要照來賣錢, 我又不笨!!" ------芭莉絲希爾頓

«I'm so smart now. Everyone's always like 'take your top off'. Sorry, NO! They always want to get that money shot. I'm not stupid.» - Paris Hilton (December 2003)

6. "我每次看到電視上報導世界上那些飢餓貧窮的孩子們, 我總是忍不住掉下淚來, 你知道, 我是很希望跟他們一樣瘦的, 但是我才不要那些什麼蒼蠅的啊, 還有死亡什麼的~~" -----瑪麗亞凱莉

«Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff.» - Mariah Carey, pop singer

7. "我不節食的啊, 我只是吃的比我想吃的少而已啦~" --------超級名模琳達

«I don't diet. I just don't eat as much as I'd like to.» - Linda Evangelista, Supermodel

8. "我沒有厭食症啦, 我從德州來的耶, 有德州人得厭食症嗎? 我可從來沒聽過任何一個, 這當然包括我自己啦" ------ 潔西卡辛普森
先不管你這句話的愚蠢性, 是哪位記者懷疑你得厭食症啊??

«I'm not anorexic. I'm from Texas. Are there people from Texas that are anorexic? I've never heard of one. And that includes me.» — Jessica Simpson

9. "我認為同志婚姻應該是一男一女才可以!" ------阿諾史瓦辛格
嗯? 小布希怎沒先想到這個資格要求啊, 對, 你們同志可以結婚啊,但是要一男跟一女喔!

 «I think gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman» - Arnold Schwarzenegger

繼續往下一篇, 各界名人愚蠢語錄(三)邁進!


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